We always cannot avoid to include 'something special'. Nothing that would be obvious to someone who's just watching superficially as it always is going under in the masses of newly added and edited serial numbers.
In the past -and that is something we stick to in the future- we do not share our little mystery, it just for our fun. In the past we had our fun with the GT-cars, the Challenge cars and, off course, the famous 80 SA Apertas and so on.
Harvey and Irma made us more aware of the totalled cars. There are frequently some of them on offer and it does not need a natural force to see a wrecked car - it often it is just the case that the poor boy has been on offer on the market quite previously - unharmed and probably in new condition, naturally.
With the 17th update you will find those we have added or edited more specified in the history data attached to the Serial Numbers.