Dear F-Register Community!
We are delighted to present you with the new and revised newsletter format of your favourite data warehouse, starting off with the sensational news, that we are now covering more than 99,7 % of the total production of our “Favourite Factory”. From our stand, this should make up for missing out last months update, don’t you think?
In the meantime, we pressed forward by adding more than 50,000 new entries. This leads us to the latest production – without blanks! And we are not done yet. Currently we are working on the gaps between 62,000 and 120,000, though “gaps” in this case means, that all material is available and will be as added gradually, as you read. So don’t worry and stay tuned!
To cut the waiting time short you can check out F-Register’s most recent update: Number 79 – the biggest one yet and one of the most significant milestones in our history! You can also take advantage of the benefits provided by our digital services by having a look at the newly added images and historic data on certain vehicles. We are happy to guarantee constant growth and depth of the database with a maximum of up to 1,000 new entries per month.
Make sure to keep in touch with any future update and make a visit to F-Register part of your routine! Your lust for timely news and data-updates will appreciate!
Wishing you loads of fun with the update and many thanks for your loyalty!
F-Register team
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