Cyrille has multiple tasks in the Ferrari business, from selling cars to compiling books. We had the chance to look into one of his "History Books" that are covering one car, identified by its Serial Number completely monothematically! As far as we remember, this has been SWB 2321GT. His website shows several others.
Returning from Paris, we found an example of
"Touring Garage Imboden AG (1968-2018)
Les Ferrari en Suisse, une passion sans limites"
in our post box!
What a wonderful surprise! The book covers the Ferraris (and some other cars) of well-known Swiss family Imboden with tons of pictures, covering decades.
Countless contemporary documents are included and especially the Migros-scene did put a smile on Matthias' face as he worked with their banking department for some time in the past.
For the serious Ferraristi many copies of documents are included, giving a fine overview of what was once owned by Imbodens.
Finally, the closing chapter continues Serial Numbers, Serial Numbers and even more Serial Numbers!
The book features 240 pages, it is written in French, but, even if this is not a language you understood, the pictures tell the stories of 50 years of the Touring Garage Imboden AG!
Well done, Cyrille!
Look for Cavallino Market by Cyrille Jaquinot on the web!