I hope no one takes this as "cultural appropriation" because that would be fatal and send the wrong message. Of course it's us, the old white men, who come, that's just how it is. It's Rétromobile in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, it's one of the most beautiful exhibitions of the season and we're already sad when it's over again next Sunday. But, so keep looking forward to old friends, good conversations, good food and some great drinks and... cars!
We're starting to get you in the mood, like every year and, like every year, with the amazing support of RM/Sotheby's, Bonhams and Artcurial. We will and want to visit them in this order and today we start with the Silde Show, with which RM/Sotheby's once again invites us under the Louvre. On Wednesday it's time to get off the train, drop off your luggage at the hotel in no time and head straight to Rue de Rivoli. You can already take a look at the exquisite selection on offer today!
98025 348 Spider 93 Nero FER 1240 Glasurit/Nero A8500 LHD EU ZFFUA43B000098025 ass. # 15003 body # 234 eng. # 35354
Lot 108 €90,000 - €110,000 offered without reserve
12333 365 GT 2+2 69 Argento Metallizzato 2.443.009/Rosso VM 3171 then Nero then Grigio Argento/Beige LHD US 365 GT*12333* body # 416A ass. seq. 399 eng. # 12333 int. eng. # A1022, ex-Bill Harrah
Lot 110 €200,000 - €250,000 offered without reserve
136279 360 Modena Spider F1 04 Rosso Corsa 322 D.S. PPG/Beige 4208 Nero top LHD EU ZFFYT53B000136279 ass. # 53538 Nero calipers Shields
Lot 115 €50,000 - €80,000 offered without reserve
4689 250 GTE Series III #191/300 3/63 Blu Sera 20264 A It. then Red then Blu Sera/Beige VM 3309 LHD EU eng. # 4689 int. eng. # 1262/62E gearbox # 175 differential # 188 PF job # 68542
Lot 116 €350,000 - €450,000
146056 575 Superamerica 05 Rosso Corsa FER. 322 PPG/Nero 8500 Racing seats LHD Manual EU ZFFGT61B000146056 ass. # 63377 eng. # 101861 Nero calipers Rosso dials
Lot 118 €600,000 - €800,000
247840 488 Pista Spider F1 19 Bianco Sanae FYM.*0176 Blu Corsa 205800 lvrea large Racing/Alcantara Charcoal 7452 Racing seats Baby Blu coloured inner details Baby Blue 1318 stitching LHD EU ZFF91HMB000247840 Giallo calipers Shields Giallo dials cinture Grigio suspension lift HELE AFS system
Lot 122 €500,000 - €700,000
166384 F430 16M Scuderia Spider F1 09 Rosso Corsa FER. 322 PPG Livrea Tricolore/Nera Racing seats Nero & Rosso fabric seat centres Rosso stitching LHD EU ZFFKZ66B000166384 Giallo dials Shields Grigio Rosso Scuderia calipers Corsa rims
Lot 130 €340,000 - €440,000
80099 GTB Turbo 2/89 Rosso Corsa FER 300/9 Glasurit/Nero 8500 LHD EU ZFFZA27B000080099 eng. # F106N*16198* gearbox F106DB N 1031
Lot 137 €70,000 - €110,000 offered without reserve
105395 F512 M 7/96 Rosso Corsa FER. 300/12 Glasurit/Nero 8500 LHD EU ZFFVA40B000105395 A5395SCB eng. # F113G*42586* gearbox # 454
Lot 139 €250,000 - €350,000
0105S 195 Inter Ghia Coupe Torino Show car, 12/50 dark Blue then dark Red then Nero/Rosso Nero Piping RHD EU eng. # 0105S gearbox # 065 rear axle # 0013 steering box # 110
Lot 143 €800,000 - €1,000,000
07474 246 GTS Dino 9/73 Marrone Dino Metallizzato 106-M-73 Salchi then Argento Auteil/plastica Beige 430 LHD EU then Marrone Dino Metallizzato/Beige Daytona seats Nero inserts LHD EU DINO 2456 GTS*07474* body # 2672 eng. # 135CS000*0011570* gearbox # 2615 E
Lot 144 €500,000 - €700,000
0435GT 250 GT Pinin Farina Coupe #4/9 PF-prototipo 10/55 Rosso Corsa then Grigio Nero centre stripe Bianco stripes added then Grigio/Nero LHD EU eng. # 0435GT PF job # 14991 Boano-style Coupe Low Roof
Lot 152 €1,000,000 - €1,400,000
124092 550 Barchetta Pininfarina #114/448 01 Rosso Corsa/Nero LHD EU ZFFZR52B000124092 ass. # 41752 eng. # F133A*62010* Red calipers Shields
Lot 154 €300,000 - €400,000
132658 Enzo Ferrari F1 03 Rosso Corsa DS 322 PPG/Nero 8500 Rosso Stitching LHD EU ZFFCZ56B000132658 ass. # 49825 eng. # F140B*75381* gearbox # 189 Nero calipers Shields Rosso dials
Lot 155 €3,000,000 - €3,500,000
8259 275 GTB/6C 2/66 Celeste Chiaro Metallizzato 106-A-26/Blu Chiaro VM 3015 then matte Black then Red/Nero then dark Grey met./Rosso then Grigio int. then Celeste Chiaro metallizzato/Grigio LHD EU 275 GTB*08259* ass. seq. 339 body # 344 eng. # 08259 int. eng. # 1000 gearbox # 537 replaced with # 263 Longnose Alloy 6 carb
Lot 157 €2,700,000 - €3,200,000
214219 LaFerrari F1 15 Bianco Avus FER. 100 PPG tetto Nero DS 1250/Alcantara Nera Rosso stitching LHD EU ZFF76ZHB000214219 eng. # 295075 Red calipers cinture Rosso front suspension lift Nero mirrors Nero rims
Lot 159 €3,700,000 - €4,800,000 Offered from The Ultimate Performance Collection
129504 575 M Maranello 8/02 Rosso Corsa/Nero LHD Manual EU ZFFBT55B000129504 ass. # 46712 eng. # 70070 Rosso Corsa Calipers vinyl sticker Shields
Lot 160 €200,000 - €250,000
1773GT 250 GT SWB Berlinetta Competizione #8/165 3/60 light Yellow then Blu Franchese French tricolore livery then Yellow/Verde then Nero int. LHD US eng. # 1773GT int. eng. # 200 F gearbox # 96 rear axle 100 F Alloy
Lot 161 €9,000,000 - €11,000,000
90999 Testarossa Series 3 91 Rosso Corsa FER 300/9 Glasurit/Beige 4208 LHD CH ZFFSA17S000090999 90999DTR ass. # 07976 eng. # F.113A040*28317* gearbox # 7063
Lot 165 €180,000 - €220,000 Offered without reserve from The Timeless Collection
14071 365 GTB/4 Daytona 71 Viola Dino Metallizzato 106-A-71/Bianco then Red/Nero Daytona seats LHD EU ass. seq. 339 body # 379 eng. # B870 gearbox # 396
Lot 167 €425,000 - €475,000 Offered without reserve from The Timeless Collection
78947 328 GTB 89 Rosso Corsa/Crema LHD ZFFCA19S000078947 78947NPV eng. # F105P046*14878* gearbox # 405
Lot 169 €70,000 - €90,000 Offered without reserve from The Timeless Collection
45449 512 BBi 3/83 Rosso Corsa FER 300 Glasurit senza strisce Nere/Beige 3218 LHD EU ZFFJA09B000045449 body # 446 eng. # F110A*00482* gearbox # F102CB N 474
Lot 171 €180,000 - €220,000 Offered without reserve from The Timeless Collection
49819 308 GTB QV 84 Rosso Chiaro/Beige LHD CH ZFFLA12S000049819 ass. # 258 eng. # F105A*01669* gearbox # F106AL 9041 ign. key # 21511 A door key # 4176 warranty card # 19603-16492
Lot 173 €70,000 - €80,000 Offered without reserve from The Timeless Collection
Lot 108 98025 348 Spider pic. by Simon Clay ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 110 12333 365 GT 2+2 pic. by Paolo Carlini ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 115 136279 360 Modena Spider F1 pic. by Simon Clay ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 116 4689 250 GTE Series III pic. by Simon Gosselin ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 118 146056 575 Superamerica pic. by Peter Singhof ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 122 247840 488 Pista Spider F1 pic. by Vitalii Motruk ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 130 166384 F430 16M Scuderia Spider F1 pic. by Vitalii Motruk ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 137 80099 GTB Turbo pic. by Vitalii Motruk ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 139 105395 F512 M pic. by Keno Zache ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 143 0105S 195 Inter Ghia Coupe pic. by Willem Verstraten ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 144 07474 246 GTS Dino pic. by Tomasz Sarna ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 152 0435GT 250 GT Pinin Farina Coupe pic. by Jonas Feuerstack ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 154 124092 550 Barchetta Pininfarina pic. by Keno Zache ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 155 132658 Enzo Ferrari F1 pic. by Stephan Bauer ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 157 8259 275 GTB/6C pic. by Keno Zache ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 159 214219 LaFerrari F1 pic. by Keno Zache ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 160 129504 575 M Maranello pic. by Keno Zache ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 161 1773GT 250 GT SWB Berlinetta Competizione pic. by Kevin Van Campenhout ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 165 90999 Testarossa Series 3 pic. by Tom Gidden ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 167 14071 365 GTB/4 Daytona pic. by Tom Gidden ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 169 78947 328 GTB pic. by Tom Gidden ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 171 45449 512 BBi pic. by Willem Verstraten ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 173 49819 308 GTB QV pic. by Tom Gidden ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's