November and December are the months of the year when the auction houses really get going again. It starts with our friends from RM Sotheby's, who will also be doing the main part of our city tour trip until the end of the year. So, off to London!
The highlight? In addition to the pleasant fact that RM Sotheby's is once again allowing us to use their pictures, they have something really extraordinary: one of the three Factory 512 TR Spiders! We know two of them, we're still looking for a third...
Here are the London lots:
1957GT 250 GT Pinin Farina Coupe Series II #337/353 7/60 Grigio Argento MM 16003 then Nero/Nero 8500 LHD US eng. # 1957GT int. eng. # 490 F gearbox # 180 differential # 201 PF job # 29485 covered headligts
Lot 213 est. £375,000 - £425,000
00294 206 GT Dino 12/68 Rosso Dino 20-R-350/plastica Nero 161 panno Arancia then Nero VM 8500 LHD EU DINO 206 G.T.*00294* body # 96 eng. # 135B000*0005061* int. eng. # 00100 gearbox # 99
Lot 216 est. £350,000 - £400,000
12853 365 GTB/4 Daytona 9/69 Rosso Bordeaux Dino then Rosso Corsa/Nero RHD UK body # 95 ass. seq. 53 eng. # 156 gearbox # 72 Plexi, #4 RHD
Lot 219 est. £480,000 - £540,000
4623 250 GT Berlinetta Lusso #75/350 8/63 Grigio Notte 18933 M Italver/Rosso VM 3171 LHD EU 250 GT/L*4623* eng. # 4623 int. eng. # 1500/62E gearbox # 73 differential # 79 rear axle # 73
Lot 223 est. £1,250,000 - £1,500,000
92458 348 ts 91 Rosso Corsa FER 300 Glasurit/Nero 8500 RHD UK ZFFKA36C000092458 92458ODO eng. # 29822
Lot 226 est. £130,000 - £160,000 offered without reserve from The Factory Fresh Collection
86939 Testarossa Series 3 90 Rosso Corsa FER 300 Glasurit/Nero 8500 RHD UK ZFFAA17C000086939 86939VDV eng. # F.113B*24447*
Lot 227 est. £150,000 - £200,000 offered without reserve from The Factory Fresh Collection
164701 599 GTB Fiorano F1 08 Grigio Silverstone/Charcoal RHD UK ZFFFD60C000164701 eng. # 143097 Giallo calipers Shields Giallo dials Challenge rims
Lot 228 est. £150,000 - £180,000 offered without reserve from The Factory Fresh Collection
07094 246 GTS Dino 9/73 Nero 20-B-50/Rosso VM 893 RHD UK DINO 246 GTS*07094* body # 2427 eng. # 135CS000*0011392* gearbox # 2472
Lot 229 est. £350,000 - £450,000 offered from The Factory Fresh Collection
121551 550 Maranello 00 Argento Nürburgring/Nero RHD UK ZFFZR49C000121551 C1551NHC eng. # 59237
Lot 230 est. £120,000 - £170,000 offered without reserve from The Factory Fresh Collection Collection
93909 Mondial t 92 Rosso Corsa/Crema RHD UK ZFFKD32C000093909 eng. # 31530
Lot 231 est. £100,000 - £150,000 offered without reserve from The Factory Fresh Collection
124066 550 Barchetta Pininfarina #88/448 01 Rosso Corsa/Nero RHD UK ZFFZR52C000124066 eng. # F133A*62171*
Lot 232 est. £280,000 - £350,000 offered from The Factory Fresh Collection
164887 F430 F1 08 Rosso Corsa FER. 322 PPG/Nero 8500 RHD UK ZFFEZ58C000164887 ass. # 82046 eng. # 143902 Red calipers Shields Rosso dials
Lot 233 est. £125,000 - £175,000 offered without reserve from The Factory Fresh Collection
99209 348 GTB 4/94 Rosso Corsa FER 300 Glasurit/Crema A3997 RHD UK ZFFUA35C000099209 body # 151 ass. # 16083 eng. # F119H*36490*
Lot 234 est. £120,000 - £160,000 offered without reserve from The Factory Fresh Collection
95058 512 TR 92 Rosso Corsa FER 300 Glasurit/Nero 8500 RHD UK ZFFLA40C000095058 95058NIY eng. # F.113D040*32644*
Lot 235 est. £260,000 - £320,000 offered from The Factory Fresh Collection
178950 California 2+ F1 11 Giallo Modena/Nero 8500 Daytona seats Giallo stitching RHD UK ZFFLJ65C000178950 eng. # 169776 Giallo calipers Shields Giallo dials
Lot 236 est. £100,000 - £150,000 offered without reserve from The Factory Fresh Collection
164832 599 GTB Fiorano F1 08 Grigio Silverstone/Rosso Daytona Racing seats RHD UK ZFFFD60C000164832 eng. # 143271 Red calipers Shields Giallo dials pentagram rims
Lot 237 est. £150,000 - £180,000 offered without reserve from The Factory Fresh Collection
96504 Mondial t Cabriolet 93 Rosso Corsa FER 300 Glasurit/Nero 8500 RHD UK ZFFKC33C000096504 96504NGR eng. # F119G040*34246*
Lot 240 est. £120,000 - £170,000 offered without reserve from The Factory Fresh Collection
95137 512 TR 92 Blu Sera Metallizzato/Blu Scuro RHD UK ZFFLA40C000095137 95137NAK eng. # F.113D040*32613*
Lot 241 est. £225,000 - £275,000 offered without reserve from The Factory Fresh Collection
97310 512 TR Spider Pininfarina 93 Blu Cobalto/Blu Scuro dark Blue top RHD UK ZFFLA40C000097310 eng. # F.113D040*35505* gearbox # 146785, one of three Factory Spiders
Lot 242 est. £2,100,000 - £2,700,000 offered from The Factory Fresh Collection
93869 348 ts 92 Rosso Corsa FER 300 Glasurit/Nero A8500 RHD UK ZFFKA36C000093869 93869YYY body # 172 ass. # 10771 eng. # 31171
Lot 243 est. £130,000 - £160,000 offered without reserve from The Factory Fresh Collection
30253 400 i Automatic 79 dark Blue/Crema RHD UK F101CL*30253* eng. # F101C011*00100*
Lot 245 est. £50,000 - £80,000 offered without reserve from The Factory Fresh Collection
79325 Testarossa Series 3 88 Rosso Corsa FER 300/9 Glasurit/Beige 4208 RHD UK ZFFAA17C000079325 79325CMO eng. # F.113B*15213*
Lot 246 est. £150,000 - £200,000 Formerly owned by Nigel Mansell
187687 599 GTB Fiorano F1 60F1 Alonso Edition 12 Rosso Scuderia Ferrari 150° Italia Livery #1/Alcantara Nera RHD UK ZFFFD60C000187687 ass. # 105428 Bianco Dials painted Shields Giallo Calipers
Lot 255 est. £200,000 - £250,000
86097 F40 Ecologico 9/90 Rosso Corsa FER 300/9 Glasurit/Nero Rosso Stoffa Vigogna Seats LHD EU ZFFGJ34B000086097 body # 79 ass. # 03175 eng. # F120A000*23302* gearbox # F120AB N 487, new to I
Lot 256 est. £1,900,000 - £2,100,000
117671 550 Maranello WSR 00 Grigio Titanio 3238 PPG/Bordeaux Racing seats RHD UK ZFFZR49C000117671 ass. # 35053 eng. # 55137 Shields Red calipers Bordeaux roll-cage 4 point harness
Lot 259 est. £180,000 - £220,000
5839GT 330 GT 2+2 Series I 64 Bleu Sera 20.100 M then Azzurro California/Beige VM3309 RHD UK ass. seq. 151 eng. #5839
Lot 261 est. £200,000 - £270,000
Lot 213 1957GT 250 GT Pinin Farina Coupe Series II pic. Neil Fraser ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 216 00294 206 GT Dino pic. Peter Seabrook ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 219 12853 365 GTB/4 Daytona pic. Peter Seabrook ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 223 4623 250 GT Berlinetta Lusso pic. Simon Clay ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 226 92458 348 ts pic. OneSavage|sgcarshoot ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 227 86939 Testarossa Series 3 pic. OneSavage|sgcarshoot ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 228 164701 599 GTB Fiorano F1 pic. OneSavage|sgcarshoot ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 230 121551 550 Maranello pic. OneSavage|sgcarshoot ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 229 07094 246 GTS Dino pic. OneSavage|sgcarshoot ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 231 93909 Mondial t pic. OneSavage|sgcarshoot ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 232 124066 550 Barchetta Pininfarina pic. Paolo Carlini ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 233 164887 F430 F1 pic. OneSavage|sgcarshoot ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 234 99209 348 GTB pic. OneSavage|sgcarshoot ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 235 95058 512 TR pic. Paolo Carlini ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 236 178950 California 2+ F1 pic. OneSavage|sgcarshoot ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 237 164832 599 GTB Fiorano F1 pic. OneSavage|sgcarshoot ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 240 96504 Mondial t Cabriolet pic. OneSavage|sgcarshoot ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 241 95137 512 TR pic. OneSavage|sgcarshoot ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 242 97310 512 TR Spider Pininfarina pic. Collection OneSavage|sgcarshoot ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 243 93869 348 ts pic. OneSavage|sgcarshoot ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 245 30253 400 i Automatic pic. OneSavage|sgcarshoot ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 256 86097 F40 Ecologico pic. Peter Seabrook ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 246 79325 Testarossa Series 3 pic. Simon Clay ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 255 187687 599 GTB Fiorano F1 60F1 Alonso Edition pic. Simon Clay ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 259 117671 550 Maranello WSR pic. Neil Fraser ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's
Lot 261 5839GT 330 GT 2+2 Series I pic. Neil Fraser ©2023 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's